Donations ensure that everyone in the classroom is equipped with the fundamental tools to thrive in school. When you donate necessary school supplies, you relieve many families of a financial stressor that influences how prepared their children are for curriculum.

scholarship news

School buiding and development makes it interesting and gets the children motivated to come to school, this in turn improve the attendance and interest of students in learning. Thus, it's important for schools to have good infrastructure to improve the performance of the students and improving the school's system.

We wouldreally appreciate your donations to the school to enhance the learning to our students.

Your contribution is vital to the success of our initiative.

School funding should provide significant additional resources for low-income students. It costs more to educate low-income students and provide them with a robust education. To overcome issues of poverty, low-income students need significant additional funds.

Donations ensure that everyone in the classroom is equipped with the fundamental tools to thrive in school. When you donate necessary school supplies, you relieve many families of a financial stressor that influences how prepared their children are for curriculum.

We would be highly exited to have you join our voluteer team and what you would like to do to help the school at large. If yu would like to sit down and have a discussion about the donation time, money or services, please contact the school : +254 722 497 984

Kindly use the details below for any donation support to the school.

Cheques payable to the School , direct bank deposits or Electronic Funds transfers to the Bank Account shown bellow, Kenya Commercial Bank.

  • Account Name: Nkaimurunya Secondary School
  • Account Number: 1104483238
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    Form One

    You’ll find everything you need to know about our fees and payment process here.. Of course, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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    Form Two

    We endeavour to make our payment process as easy as possible with a range of simple and straightforward payment options, as well as a clear, concise fee structure.

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    Form Three

    our fees vary upon the level of the student, we make our fee structure as simple, clear and easy to understand as possible.If you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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    Form Four

    Registration deposit of 10% of annual tuition is charged at the time of admission. The registration deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable but adjustable against the total tuition fee for the academic year.
