29 APR,2021

Dear Students and Parents, Notice No: 29/2020-21


The year 2021 comes with a new ray of hope and life gradually moving towards normalcy. Though the fear of the virus has still not gone in totality, the coming of the vaccine and the drop in the number of cases has certainly brought about more positivity.

I would sincerely like to thank the parents, students and of course our staff for ensuring the smooth conduct of these classes. The school has ensured in every possible way to follow all COVID safety protocols and is in full preparedness to welcome back the students to school as per the directives of the Government, hopefully from 10th May’21 for Form Two to Form Three

A circular will soon be issued with further details related to the re-opening of school for the concerned classes, as per the Government’s directives, which will entail the conduct of physical classes, examinations and practicals for the students.

Waiting to welcome our students back to school.

Best wishes,

Mr. Peter Kimani
